Dawe’s Mechanical is committed to a strong safety program that is design to protect employees, subcontractors, public and property. The safety program is constantly reviewed and revised to ensure an injury and accident free workplace. All employees, including senior management, superintendents, workers and subcontractors, are committed to our policies and procedures as we strive to set the highest standard in the Industry.
Dawe’s Mechanical has been fully certified by the Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Safety Association’s Certificate of Recognition (COR) program since 1997.
We are a proud member of the NLCSA and we consistently have our employees attend their safety courses.
At Dawe’s Mechanical, site safety is our first priority. We hold regular tool box meetings, and are guided by safety committees, formal worksite inspections and hazard assessments. We work hand-in-hand with our subcontractors and clients to ensure the worksite is safe. Our projects have zero tolerance to safety non-compliance.